If you've never purchased from AliExpress before, it can be confusing. I've seen many people say they are hesitant to buy from Hopen because of it. I hope this guide will make it easier for you to purchase what you want!
I'm going to use mochi minky for this example.
Pirate Ship is a FREE site that you can use to generate shipping labels at home in the US. It's also cheaper than what you would pay directly to USPS or UPS due to their negotiated bulk discount.
What many people don't know is that they have a service called simple export rate that you can use to ship to many countries that USPS isn't shipping to due to COVID like Australia. This service is not enabled by default. You need to enable it on your account. Find out more & how to enable it below!
"How do I price my work?" is a question literally every plush maker asks, including me. It's an extremely difficult question to answer and depends on a lot of variables. There is also no right or wrong way to do it, and it's very subjective.
So here are my thoughts on the subject as well as how I price for my work. Get some coffee, this is a long one! I have run auctions through Google Forms now for a couple reasons: Ebay takes 15%+ of sales and Dealer's Den requires people to pay a fee to authenticate their account to bid.
The first time I ran an auction I manually updated the bid amount in the form which required me to constantly keep an eye on emails. The second time, I figured out a way to link the form to a spreadsheet that logs the bids and auto-update upon submission! My method:
This tutorial might be difficult to follow if you don't have much Excel or Google forms experience but I hope that you can follow it regardless (and I'm sorry if this technique is rough and ready for any expert coders out there). I've added a new page on plush making resources including sources for fabric, tutorials, guides, and helpful communities!
I'll update this as I find new helpful things! Leo has super cute floppy ears. Because hand sewing is the bane of my existence I wanted to pattern the ear to flop on its own. It's super easy to do!
The character I was making, Leo, had a big faux fur mane that contained several swirls in it. Here's how I made them!
For this method you'll need:
Turntables are awesome for showing off all the details on a plush that can't be shown in a single image!
I bought this turntable off of Amazon and I place this cutting board on top which I spray painted white. I like this setup since I can place the board on top for larger plushies but not use it for smaller ones! If your plush cannot stand on its own, you can use a doll stand. I usually tape it to the board for stability. |
December 2022